
after recent port upgrade firefox2 and firefox3 do not work anymore. When I 
start any of them nothing happens, no error message or window appears. 

# ps -aux|grep firefox
USER  36787  0.0  0.1  7060  1388  ??  I    12:02PM   0:00.00 /bin/sh -c 
USER  36788  0.0  0.1  7060  1468  ??  I    12:02PM   
0:00.00 /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/firefox3
USER  36792  0.0  0.1  7060  1508  ??  I    12:02PM   
0:00.00 /bin/sh /usr/local/lib/firefox3/run-mozilla.sh 
USER  36797  0.0  0.9 120932 17732  ??  I    12:02PM   
0:00.07 /usr/local/lib/firefox3/firefox-bin

Seem something is hanging, so "killall firefox-bin" will clean memory quietly.

 I have this effect on two amd64 machines (FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEAS). One machine 
has almost all ports up to date, on another just few are updated. At the same 
time linux-firefox works fine.

Recompilation/reinstall of firefox2,3 couple of times did not solved problem. 
I removed .mozilla/ from home folder hoping that there is a problem with 
profile, but still no luck.

 I tried to debug with ktrace but last wait4
(0xffffffff,0x7fffffffe1ac,WUNTRACED,0) call does not say much to me, please 
see ktraces for both firefox 2 & 3 respectively:


... and list of installed ports (from machine with almost all ports updated):

I wonder if only me got this trouble, any suggestions? 

/Alexander Konovalenko

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