On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 06:56:17PM -0500, V. M. Tame-Reyes wrote:
> Hello,
> I live in a place where the internet connection is
> very, very slow, and i feel very enthusiastic about
> freeBSD (i'm currently using Linux), therefore i
> had a friend download about 16 GB of ports from
> the official ports site, and i have them now in my
> local network.
> We are working on projects related to molecular
> dynamics, and other physics related topics, so we
> kind need trustworthy, robust servers to do the
> calculations, and we decided to try this OS,
> could you provide some info/howto create a ports
> server for my intranet, so i can move some servers
> devoted to do calculations to this OS ?
On the machine which will serve ports' distfiles you enable the ftp server
with ports' distfiles directory. This is done with this lines in /etc/rc.conf:


and adding user "ftp" (via adduser command). Home directory of ftp user
should be /usr/ports/distfiles and nologin shell. The entry in /etc/passwd
should look like:

ftp:*:1002:14:FTP anonymous user:/usr/ports/distfiles:/usr/sbin/nologin

On the machines which will build (and download) ports you put the following
in /etc/make.conf:


If you populate /usr/ports/distfiles on the ftp server with actual
tarballs you should be able to build ports on clients as usual with
cd /usr/ports/category/portname ; make install clean.

Of course, this is only one of the possible methods...

> I apologize if this is the wrong contact to reach
> while looking for the assistance i need, but actually
> was one that i found.
> Thanks in advance,

Good luck,
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