From: Yamagi Burmeister <>
Subject: Re: Benchmark [Re: [Call For Testing] VirtualBox for FreeBSD! take 4]
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2009 09:20:42 +0200

> Hello,
>> Usually I cannot usually launch VirtualBox even by root.
>> A workaround is that invoking and killing VirtualBox
>> many times for me. After some tries I can launch...
> maybe this workaround helps (as user, not as root):
> 1. Launch VirtualBox.
> 2. If it fails open top(1)
> 3. In top(1) you should see 2(!) processes "VirtualBox"
> 4. Kill one of them
> 5. The other one should start
> This works for me in 9 out of 10 times and is much more comfortable
> than killing and restarting the whole programm many times.

Hi Yamagi-san,
This workaround works well for me.
Many thanks!!

-- Nakata Maho ,
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