Hi Alexey,

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Alexey Shuvaev
<shuv...@physik.uni-wuerzburg.de> wrote:
> The base system (more or less what consists a RELEASE) and ports are
> mostly independent of each other. Normal FreeBSD user will have some
> RELEASE (say 7.2R) and up-to-date version of ports. There is no
> separate STABLE or CURRENT versions of ports, there is only one.
> (Well, there are marcuscom and area51 for testing new gnome and kde
> releases, respectively, but you don't need to mess with them).

Ok, thanks alot for shedding some light here. I am not really into
FreeBSD but long term Linux user, so consider me being a noob here

> FreeBSD 7 will be ok too. You can add some phrase like
> "Before the software can be built, the following ports/packages
> have to be installed:
> devel/qtcreator
> audio/taglib
> devel/glib20
> audio/sox
> audio/libmad
> security/libmcrypt.
> Note that ports tree newer than 7 May 2009 is needed to build qtcreator."
> This is FreeBSD-user friendly.

Thanks alot, I will put into our wiki like this. Is there actually a
command to upgrade the ports tree, so that I can use the latest ports
with FreeBSD 7.2? What would be the proper instructions to install the
necessary ports, I want to try compiling our software on FreeBSD.

BTW: Whom should I contact to get our project into the ports? I guess
a fully fledged MiniDisc transfer software could be interesting for
alot of FreeBSD users as well ;-).

Thanks alot,

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