Quoting Mark Linimon <lini...@lonesome.com>:

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:13:36PM -0500, Robert Huff wrote:
The maintainer, ruby@, is aware of this; a check of the PR
database shows multiple open PRs, none critical but many serious
going back six months and more.

As an aside, the Severity and Priority fields have been so often abused
as to have become meaningless.  Although I still try to groom the db
for "critical" ones, and thus try to get those some attention, I really
don't think the committers pay much attention.  (In general I think
those should be reserved for "data corruption" and "security".)

The longer-term solution is to remove those as user-settable fields.

This hard to understand given portupgrade is the recommended upgrade

Once the individual who was working on it gave it up to the mailing
list, it became one of those "everyone is responsible so no one is
responsible" problems.  I don't have a recommended fix for this.

Having said that, I have a ports tree as of a month ago and portupgrade
was working ok for me.  I don't have the cycles to go figure out where
it fails to be able to fix it, sorry.

I don't know if your issues are related but yesterday I managed to fix a ports tree that made portupgrade crash. I wasn't aware that portupgrade looks in the options files for dependencies. I think some ports, and my guess it is those who gave me the problem, blindly pulls in dependencies without checking if they are already installed or not and it is in those cases that portupgrade can get an incorrect cyclic dependencies list.

Ok, enough of my strange unproven theories. I removed a lot of the options files from /var/db/ports/... and after some point, it was actually when removing them from all the p5-* ports, portupgrade started working again. When running portupgrade again I was more restrictive with what options to actually enable and after that everything works.

Don't know if that will help anyone but I though I should at least put my ideas down somewhere.

/ Jimmy

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