Ronald, good day.

Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 07:33:32PM -0800, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> So anyway, I've found that if I just take the ./configure command as
> it appears in the config.log file, and edit it to remove this option:
>    --with-dbus-system-socket=unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
> replacing that instead with:
>    --disable-dbus --disable-gdbm
> then I can at least get the bleepin' thing to configure properly.  (It
> appers that it subsequently dies during the actual build, but let me
> worry about that part.)
> So anyway, the good news is that I know how to at least get this thing
> to configure without dying during the execution of ./configure.

It is good.

> The bad news is that once I do that, if I cd back up two levels (../..)
> and then just try to do "make", for some reason the ports building system
> insists on re-running the configure step again, thus wiping out my
> adjustments which allowed avahi-app to at least finish the pre-build
> configure step.

It is perfectly explainable -- FreeBSD ports makesystem keeps track
of all stages that the port was get through and will never rerun them.
On the other hand, it will run the stages that weren't already executed.
You run ./configure manually, but the makesystem isn't aware of it, so
it executes ./configure once more.  Watch for the CONFIGURE_COOKIE
and ${${target:U}_COOKIE} in the /usr/ports/Mk/

> So, could somebody please tell me how to suppress this behavior?  Why is
> it the case that when I am cd'd into /usr/ports/net/avahi-app and when I
> then type "make", the bleedin' thing forces a re-run of the ./configure
> step, even though I have already done that manually.

Basically, because you're not intended to mess with the manual invocation
of configure script.  The proper thing to do is to edit avahi-app
port's Makefile and replace
--with-dbus-system-socket=unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket \
                --disable-dbus --disable-gdbm \
or whatever suits you.
 _                ___       _.--.   #
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