On Mon, 25 Jan 2010, 10:54 -0800, Doug Barton wrote:
> On 1/25/2010 10:10 AM, Richard (Rick) Seay wrote:
> > I made the following change to a local copy of the script to get around
> > the problem.  It works for me, but you probably have a more general
> > solution.
> > 
> > term_printf () {
> >     case $TERM in
> >     cons25) ;;
> >     *) printf "\033]0;${0##*/}: ${PM_PARENT_PORT}${1}\007" ;;
> >     esac
> > }
> Yes, I had something similar at one point then removed it because I
> didn't think it was needed.
> Someone else reported another (cosmetic) bug in the "prompt before
> building" feature today as well, so I'm going to try and get a bugfix
> version out ASAP, but that may not be until tomorrow since I have some
> real life responsibilities today. I'll do my best though ....


Any chance of a switch to disable this new feature?  I use the terminal
window title to keep track of which window belongs to which system.
Having half-a-dozen of them all saying "portmaster: foo-n.n" (and not
changing back to what they were) kind of spoils things for me :-)

Thanks again for all of your work on this tool.

John Marshall

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