On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 10:09:57PM -0300, Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira wrote:
> Hi,
>       Ever since the addition of graphics/libjpeg-turbo, I had
> been wondering how one could possibly build the whole ports tree
> with it instead of graphics/jpeg. I wanted the choice.
>       Therefore, I wrote the attached bsd.jpeg.mk as a suggestion.
>       With it, we just add
> USE_JPEG=     yes
> to any port that requires a jpeg library (either a build or a link
> dependency).

Sounds great!  Thanks for your work!  Just one small worry, see below...

>       It will automagically detected the already installed jpeg
> port variant (libjpeg-turbo or jpeg) and depend on it. If the user prefers to 
> set the variant, he can do so using
> WITH_JPEG=    jpeg
> or
> WITH_JPEG=    libjpeg-turbo

Is it possible that this will conflict with ports that have a JPEG item
in their OPTIONS list?  There are at least the astro/xplanet, editors/emacs,
graphics/devil, graphics/gdal, graphics/gegl, graphics/grx, graphics/imlib2,
graphics/ocaml-images, graphics/opencv, graphics/podofo, graphics/tumbler,
mail/spamprobe, math/R, multimedia/gmerlin, multimedia/gpac-libgpac,
multimedia/libquicktime, multimedia/spook, multimedia/transcode, x11/aterm,
x11-fm/thunar, x11/mrxvt-devel, and x11-wm/jwm ports that do that, and
there might be more that a simple fgrep -le WITH_JPEG -e WITHOUT_JPEG did
not catch.


Peter Pentchev  r...@space.bg    r...@ringlet.net    r...@freebsd.org
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