No, never looked at wxgtk28 port and I understand it would be non trivial to
split it. Building it as part of amule would be better.

But I am not here to ask you to do that, just suggesting what might be
useful to people wishing to use amule on servers. On the other hand it is
true that compiling with X11 and not to use it isnt dangerous nor
exceedingly troublesome, just boring and a waste of disk space (and might
mess packages db a little).

Doing this might be a nice feature of the port for future releases. Or maybe
making another port, like "amuled" or amule-core" that builds just wxbase
and amuled+amulecmd.

If I ever can afford the time I might try doing that after reading the
porter handbook far more deeply that what I have done up to now...

Thanx for your time.


2010/9/22 Anonymous <>

> Paolo Bormida <> writes:
> > My goal is not to build the gui version, just amuled and amulecmd,
> > and I think this can be done in amule calling configure like
> > described in this howto
> > HowTo_Compile_aMuled
> Have you looked at x11-toolkits/wxgtk28 port? You'd need to split it
> into more slave ports in order to install wx_base separately.
> Well, one can build wxgtk28 port as part of amule build an then link it
> statically but I'd rather not complicate already not very trivial port.

   Paolo Bormida
  Giaveno - Torino
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