On 01/23/2011 11:42, Chris Rees wrote:
Take a look at the new patch so far; I'm still working on Busybox at
the moment, so I'm afraid I can't step too much more through it, but

Just a question about what you did so far: Why the "CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--prefix=${PREFIX}"? I have tested with a different PREFIX before and it was successful -- that is what the second part of the REINPLACE accomplished. What does your line improve?

Or is it a first step, if I wanted to make the port DATADIR-safe?

it should give you a little more to work on. I've tidied the REINPLACE
lines for you too.

Thanks, that is better to read.


DATADIR-safe appears unnecessary according to the conversation
, so I think that this port should be fine as is right now. Try
submitting it, it should be fine.

That is what I thought and since I would have to patch the source (at least main.c) and the Mafile(s), I did not consider it to be worse it, since I do not believe anyone will ever use a different DATADIR for this port.

That leads to my second question: Is your proposal to replace the "share/xournal" in pkg-plist by "%%DATADIR%%" correct although the port is not DATADIR-safe? Currently, if DATADIR is set the port ends up to be installed with wrong +CONTENTS, since the installation ignores DATADIR being set, but +CONTENTS uses it.

I believe that it is correct what portlint says: "If and only if your port is DATADIR-safe (that is, a user can override DATADIR when building this port and the port will still work correctly) consider using DATADIR macro; if you are unsure if this port is DATADIR-safe, then ignore this warning". Thus, there should not be DATADIR in my pkg-plist as long as the port is not DATADIR-safe.

Jan Henrik
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