On Fri 04 Feb 2011 at 10:58:28 PST Lowell Gilbert wrote:
Thierry Thomas <thie...@freebsd.org> writes:

Le ven  4 fév 11 à 17:01:37 +0100, Chip Camden <sterl...@camdensoftware.com>
 écrivait :

It finally came through on portsnap late yesterday.  The install phase
still filled up my /tmp drive, so I had to umount /tmp, create a symbolic
link to /usr/tmp, and then it installed OK.  My usual /tmp partition has
500MB -- why does the libreoffice install require so much tmp space?  OOo
always installed OK.

Does'nt it honor TMPDIR?

It certainly does.

But it seems that I needed to have that set for the build as well as
the install.  I can't figure out why.

It would be nice if the port would warn about this need for tmp space at
the outset.  It sucks to find out only after a horrendously long

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