
Until a couple of months ago, I was happily using google-earth on all
my desktops and laptops.  Now, it exits with Memory Fault after
creating the startup window, the main window and a tiny pop-up window.
The pop-up window does not have a title not contents so I don't know
what it's trying to tell me.  After this message, I'm back at the
shell prompt, the three google-earth windows stay on the screen and
do not react to resize or cancel messages from the window manager.
There are 30 ./googleearth-bin processes still running and if I
killall -1 googleearth-bin the window these processes and the windows
on my screen disappear.

One laptop had google-earth running fo nearly two years but one day,
probably after the upgrade to google-earth-,1, it started
exiting with the above message.  The notebook is running FreeBSD
8.2-STABLE #4: Sun Feb 27 12:28:14 CET 2011 i386, has an Intel T7500
Core 2 duo CPU and 3 GB RAM.

The other laptop runs FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Mar 11 21:52:10 CET
2011 amd64 on an Intel Q9100 CPU with 4 GB RAM.

I can't get googleearth-bin to dump core, it just prints "Memory Fault"
and exits.

Any ideas ow to debug this?


Paul Schenkeveld
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