On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 09:32:13AM -0700, Mickey Harvey wrote:
> When I boot up my host rc hangs at "starting jails:" indefinitely. If i
> Control^C during the hang boot continues as usual so I login ,run jls and
> the jail appears to have started correctly. I can login to the jail as usual
> using "jexec 1 sh". I'm using 8.2-RELEASE i386 on a VirtualBox VM. My rc is
> set up as follows:
> ifconfig_em0="DHCP"
> ifconfig_em0_alias0=" netmask"
> jail_enable="YES"
> jail_list="www"
> jail_www_rootdir="/usr/local/jails/www"
> jail_www_hostname="www"
> jail_www_ip=""
> jail_www_devfs_enable="YES"

It's most likely something inside the jail failing to start properly. My
money is on sendmail trying to get a reverse lookup completed.

Try disabling sendmail entirely and see if the jail starts properly.

-- WXS
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