On 2011-04-27 16:12, Jerry wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:48:36 +0200
> Erik Trulsson <ertr1...@student.uu.se> articulated:
>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 09:32:58AM -0400, Jerry wrote:
>>> On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 08:50:52 -0400
>>> However, I do find troubling you statement regarding a large update
>>> to an older port or even a new port submission for that matter. I
>>> see no logical reason for a committer to bypass an item simple
>>> based on its size or the amount of work involved in getting it
>>> committed. After all, consider that the original submitter invested
>>> a large amount of his/her time in that same item.
>> Very simple.  A particular committer during one particular period of
>> time maybe only 45 minutes of free time to spend on handling PRs.
>> If the committer estimates that one large submitted PR would take at
>> least two hours to review, test, and commit, while another, smaller,
>> PR would only take 30 minutes to handle.
>> Then the committer in question would have two choices:  Don't handle
>> either submission, or handling the smaller submission, while skipping
>> the large one and hoping that some other committer with more free time
>> will pick up that one.
>> I see no reason to prefer the first of these choices.
> If the committer cannot finish the project in their allotted time
> frame they simply stop and pick up from that point in their next
> session. I have literally hundreds of projects that I cannot complete
> in one day; however, I don't simply shrug them off. If I did nothing
> would ever get accomplished, or at best only the easiest assignments.
> One of the basic fallacies in your analysis is that someone else will
> pick up the slack. Unfortunately, our society has become over run by
> those who are always ready to blame others or expect others to do our
> job for us. Quite honestly, I find that pathetic.

Maybe you have some time to spend?

If my quick lookup was not totally wrong I cannot find one PR opened by you.

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