On 07/13/2011 12:04 PM, Jung-uk Kim wrote:
On Wednesday 13 July 2011 12:42 pm, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:

I'm sure it took Jung-uk Kim many hours to figure out why it wasn't
working.  Other users are going to be in a similar spot.  Many
users will never figure it out.

Sssssh...  Please don't tell it to my employee. ;-P

It only took me about 1/2 hour.  But you're right; average users may
misinterpret unrelated commits (such as yours) and think it broke
their desktop environment after updating ports.

And if you hadn't figured it out, you would have emailed me asking me how I broke compiz. There is no way I would have figured it out, because I can't get compiz to work on my system anyway. So I would have emailed the submitter of the PR. And I don't think he would have figured it out either.

So then we would have reverted the commit. Then you would have found out that it still didn't work. And then we would be truly mystified.

This could have turned into a disaster.

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