On 07/14/2011 02:29 PM, Chris Rees wrote:

On 14 Jul 2011 17:58, "Stephen Montgomery-Smith" <step...@missouri.edu
<mailto:step...@missouri.edu>> wrote:
 >Joe Average user who doesn't actually install the ports shouldn't be
expected to read UPDATING.

Er... he really should and is expected to.

The situation I am thinking of is where a group all use FreeBSD. One person is responsible for installation and upkeep of the computers, and everyone else just uses them (for example, they don't have root access).

An example of this is the University of Missouri Math Dept about 10 years ago. We all used FreeBSD. Now being Mathematicians, most of us didn't have a clue about how it all worked inside. Most of us wouldn't even understand what the UPDATING entries mean.

Since then, most of the Dept have moved to Windows or the Mac. I am one of the few who still uses FreeBSD. So maybe you are correct after all - only use FreeBSD if you are a power user.

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