Kurt Jaeger wrote:

>> Looks like the outdated version we have in ports isn't kept there any
>> more. Would you like to be the port's new maintainer?
>I'll have a look at it.

I have played a little with the FreeBSD port for pari:

One needs to modify very little the Makefile:

CONFIGURE_ARGS= --prefix=${PREFIX} --share-prefix=${PREFIX}/share\
--mandir=${PREFIX}/man/man1 --with-gmp=${LOCALBASE}

This is so that the man pages go to the correct position.


I think all the emacs stuff has become useless.

The good distinfo is

niobe# cat distinfo
MD5 (pari-2.5.0.tar.gz) = 6077c6db56fdd32e39a06a9bf320e1f7
SHA256 (pari-2.5.0.tar.gz) =
MD5 (pari-2.5.0.tar.gz) = 0b595a1345679ff482785a686c863e9f
SIZE (pari-2.5.0.tar.gz) = 2714449

The patch files in files/ don't apply cleanly and are useless, except
which removes compiling the doc. This may be fine because the doc is on
the web site, and requires TeX for compiling. Anyways the doc
compile needs make -> gmake (and then works) but i don't know how to 
pass that to the system.

The make install installs less files than what is in pkg-plist.
In /usr/local/bin:
        gp gp-2.5 gphelp tex2mail

In /usr/local/include/pari
genpari.h  pari.h     paricfg.h  paridecl.h parigen.h  parinf.h
paripriv.h parisys.h
mpinl.h    paricast.h paricom.h  parierr.h  pariinl.h  pariold.h
paristio.h paritune.h

In /usr/local/share/pari:

niobe# ls -R /usr/local/share/pari
PARI      doc       examples  misc      pari.desc


Makefile      appd.tex      parimacro.tex refcard.ps    tutorial.dvi
users.tex     usersch3.tex
appa.tex      libpari.dvi   pdfmacs.tex   refcard.tex   tutorial.tex
usersch1.tex  usersch4.tex
appb.tex      paricfg.tex   refcard.dvi   translations  users.dvi
usersch2.tex  usersch5.tex

EXPLAIN     Makefile    cl.gp       contfrac.gp lucas.gp    squfof.gp
Inputrc     bench.gp    classno.gp  extgcd.c    rho.gp      taylor.gp

README    color.dft gpalias   gpflog    gprc.dft  pari.xpm  xgp
niobe# ls -R /usr/local/share/pari
PARI      doc       examples  misc      pari.desc


Makefile      appd.tex      parimacro.tex refcard.ps    tutorial.dvi
users.tex     usersch3.tex
appa.tex      libpari.dvi   pdfmacs.tex   refcard.tex   tutorial.tex
usersch1.tex  usersch4.tex
appb.tex      paricfg.tex   refcard.dvi   translations  users.dvi
usersch2.tex  usersch5.tex

EXPLAIN     Makefile    cl.gp       contfrac.gp lucas.gp    squfof.gp
Inputrc     bench.gp    classno.gp  extgcd.c    rho.gp      taylor.gp

README    color.dft gpalias   gpflog    gprc.dft  pari.xpm  xgp

And finally the man pages in /usr/local/man/man1
gp-2.5.1 gp.1 gphelp.1 pari.1 tex2mail.1
and the compressed versions.

Good luck


Michel TALON

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