On 22.08.2011 04:46, Chris Rees wrote:
On 22 August 2011 03:24, Mikhail T.<mi+t...@aldan.algebra.com>  wrote:
On -10.01.-28163 14:59, lini...@freebsd.org wrote:
portname:           audio/adpcm
description:        An Intel/DVI IMA ADPCM codec library
deprecated because: No more public distfiles
expiration date:    2011-09-01
build errors:       none.

At least in this particular case, I don't think, the removal is warranted.

The public distfiles disappeared not because of a deliberate action by the
developer or copyright-holder, but simply because the entire ftp.cwi.nl is
now gone. Sites continue to host the file -- we should allow CWI.net to sort
things out with their FTP-server (or, perhaps, they intend to offer the same
code over HTTP later).
Could you add those extra sites to MASTER_SITES then please?

None of them are "official" -- and various web-pages continue to refer to ftp.cwi.nl as the source.

Since FreeBSD mirrors already provide unofficial mirrors, is there a point in adding those at this time?


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