On 09/13/2011 04:10 AM, Michal Varga wrote:

And if it wasn't Gabor's commit that again brought my OS down to
unusable level, it would be the one next week, or if we are lucky, two
to three weeks from now (but that would be probably this year's record).
Because the current procedures in place not only encourage these kinds
of mistakes, they downright call for them. Because there are no
procedures whatsoever. Not in the ecosystem-wide sense. Not the ones
that are crucial to make the OS actually work as a whole. But hey, I'm
not going to reiterate all that over again. It's been said.

Hi Michal,

I see where you are coming from. I just recently became a ports committer. Before, when I would submit ports, there were certain mistake consistently made by the committers. Now that I am a committer, I can see how the tools used by the committers would lead to these consistent mistakes.

In particular, checking which ports depend on a port just updated is a particularly nasty thing to do. I get the impression that each committer has his own special way of doing this. For example, I have personally found that a simple grep won't work, because "grep xxx /usr/ports/*/Makefile*" just creates a line too long for the shell to handle. I use a shell construction involving "find" but I wonder how others do the same thing.

My day job is taking a lot of my time right now. But when things start to calm down, I'll start thinking about changes to the ecosystem of FreeBSD ports committing, and creating a set of more unified tools for the other ports committers to look at.

Finally, I did notice that since the overheated conversation of a few weeks ago, that a couple of people who wanted to update ports did contact me first. This is because I maintain ports that depend on their proposed update. So maybe your complaints are being heard, at least on one level.

Best regards,
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