I've been working on building my first python based port recently and
I'm running into some issue that I'm hoping the list can provide some
tips for. Currently the Makefile looks like this:


# New ports collection makefile for: salt
# Date created:         17 Dec 2011
# Whom:                 cedwards
# $FreeBSD$

PORTNAME=       salt
CATEGORIES=     sysutils python
MASTER_SITES=   https://github.com/downloads/saltstack/salt/

MAINTAINER=     christer.edwa...@gmail.com
COMMENT=        Central system and configuration manager

LIB_DEPENDS=    zmq.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/zmq

USE_PYTHON=     yes

${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/yaml/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-yaml \

${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/zmq/__init__.py}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-pyzmq \




.include <bsd.port.mk>


I'm not sure if I've done the RUN_DEPENDS properly, because when I try
to 'make' the port, it tries running the salt tool and complains about
missing python modules. The modules are of course provided by the
depends, but they don't get installed if they're missing.

I'd really like whatever feedback the list can offer to getting this
ported properly.

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