On Thu, 05 Jan 2012, 20:20 -0800, Doug Barton wrote:
> What would make my life a whole lot simpler is if lang/php5 were the
> command line version, and the cgi and apache modules were separate
> ports. Is this feasible?

Don't the port's knobs work for you?  If I set the CGI knob off, I get
what I think you want.

OPTIONS=        CLI "Build CLI version" on \
                CGI "Build CGI version" on \
                FPM "Build FPM version (experimental)" off \
                APACHE "Build Apache module" off \
                AP2FILTER " Use Apache 2.x filter interface (experimental)" off 
                DEBUG "Enable debug" off \
                SUHOSIN "Enable Suhosin protection system" on \
                MULTIBYTE "Enable zend multibyte support" off \
                IPV6 "Enable ipv6 support" on \
                MAILHEAD "Enable mail header patch" off \
                LINKTHR "Link thread lib (for threaded extensions)" off

John Marshall

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