On 01/12/12 02:23, Matthew Seaman wrote:
On 11/01/2012 16:10, Eitan Adler wrote:
                 .if defined(WITH_PAM)

                     @if [ -f ${WRKDIR}/lib/security/pam_ldap.so ]; then \
                         ${RM} ${WRKDIR}/lib/security/pam_ldap.so
                         ${DIRRM} ${WRKDIR}/lib/;
This is what's wrong.  In port Makefiles, it's .if, .else, .endif not fi.
You need both: .endif and fi in this case (the 'fi' is part of the shell script)
Also the shell script part needs to be backslashed, and statements
separated by semi-colons, like so:

       @if [ -f ${WRKDIR}/lib/security/pam_ldap.so ]; then \
           ${RM} ${WRKDIR}/lib/security/pam_ldap.so ; \
           ${DIRRM} ${WRKDIR}/lib/ ; \

Looking back at the OP's previous posts, it's this backslashing thing
which is missing: the (make) .if is properly closed with a .endif, which
unfortunately got cropped in one of the replies upthread.

Another point: its not usual to modify variables like PLIST_FILES or
PORTDOCS as part of the post-extract target.  Usually that's done
earlier in the Makefile before any of the actual make targets.
You were right Matthew.

It's all done now guys- what now?

I have a Makefile, pkg-desc, pkg-plist, pkg-message, distinfo. I also have the files hosted and the MASTER_FILES set to include the linux sites (just where the files are located). I am looking for a backup site to all that IF I can twist someones arm?

I have triple tested it all in all iterations and its as smooth as now- no issues whatsoever. So what happens now? How does it get into the ports tree now? Can someone have a look see and test it before I submit this thing?

As for the bsd.sites question: before I posted this I navigated to the sites in question, and they had messages to redirect to this URI that I have posted.

As for my own files, I can use release, updates, or testing. ATM its set to the testing files. Should I back that off a bit?

I set the portversion to the nss_ldap_version (264). What about the 6 do you think? It could be trickier... The Makefile has lost weight - I trimmed it aggressively, but if I can cut it back further I'd be happy to know.

I've posted the shar to http://herveybayaustralia.com.au/ports/distfiles/linux-f10-nss_ldap.shar if people want to check it out. Please don't hold back if there is something I've missed.

I have a query on the tabbing - I have either ee or gedit (atm) how can I set them to the correct tab spacing?

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