On 05/03/2012 04:48, Super Bisquit wrote:
New error is: /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libicui18n.so.46" not
found, required by "libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0".
I have libicu18n.so.48.
I'm running portupgrade -a -f on my machine.
That's a fault found in many ports. Hidden dependencies.
Many ports autoconfigure themselves to use external libraries if they are installed at build time. Too bad sometimes they are not registrared as dependencies in the port, so port management tools cannot guess the right upgrade sequence. icu has been previuosly upgraded but gtk was not rebuilt. On my server I've just worked around a bunch of such errors regarding libpcre...

Only way is manually rebuild the dependent port, in your case gtk, and then resume the automated build waiting for the next error.

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