On 9 April 2012 17:49, Julian H. Stacey <j...@berklix.com> wrote:
>> portmgr's policy is to honor removal requests, no matter the circumstances.
> ................................................ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Irresponsible.  Real 'Managers' shoulder responsibility.  So ...

Real managers get paid.

Real managers get paid by companies.

Real managers get paid by companies with legal departments who will
defend them from frivolous lawsuits, and pay them during the period
of time while the frivolous lawsuit works its way through the US court

I have given thousands of hours of free work to this project.  I'm
damned sure not going to incur any legal liability on top of that,
even if due to someone wanting to take an unreasonable position.

Perhaps the legal system in Germany is less broken than the US.  I
certainly hope so.

But until you sit in my seat, and have been threatened with lawsuits
in the past for equally unreasonable situations, you simply don't
know what you're talking about.

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