On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 12:16:16PM -0400, Michael Scheidell thus spake:

On 5/2/12 12:10 PM, Jason Helfman wrote:

   It has been ported, but not put into the tree at this point. I don't
   it is complete, but from what I've seen it isn't far off.

   Here is a reference:


except that is a very old version, not supported anymore, and they are only
supporting amd64 8+ right now.

Yes, however it is a reference and there is nothing stopping the port
from being upgraded to be supported. Furthermore, there is nothing stopping
anyone from contacting or joining the zimbra thread to update it or
collaborate with others.

I used Zimbra for a long time, and on FreeBSD, when they had distributed
packages for it. Unfortunately, they aren't doing it now, but it was done.


Jason Helfman
System Administrator
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