On 05/07/2012 04:14 PM, Bruce Meier wrote:
Freebsd 8.2 release

processor amd64

#more start.log
[2012-05-07 01:11:58] Sage version 4.8, released 2012-01-20
Setting permissions of DOT_SAGE directory so only you can read and write
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/ports/math/sage/work/sage-4.8/local/bin/sage-eval", line 4,
in <module>
from sage.all import *
line 78, in <module>
import sage.symbolic.pynac
File "expression.pxd", line 6, in init sage.symbolic.pynac
File "expression.pyx", line 145, in init sage.symbolic.expression
File "function.pyx", line 31, in init sage.symbolic.function
Undefined symbol "log2"
[2012-05-07 08:23:04] Sage version 4.8, released 2012-01-20
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/ports/math/sage/work/sage-4.8/local/bin/sage-eval", line 4,
in <module>
from sage.all import *
line 78, in <module>
import sage.symbolic.pynac
File "expression.pxd", line 6, in init sage.symbolic.pynac
File "expression.pyx", line 145, in init sage.symbolic.expression
File "function.pyx", line 31, in init sage.symbolic.function
Undefined symbol "log2"
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Can you continue this discussion directly with me at step...@freebsd.org?

I am happy to work with you as hard as I can to resolve this issue, but I am mystified. I created the sage port on the amd64 using FreeBSD-Stable-8.2, which is almost identical to what you have.

Somehow python is not finding the libm library, which is where log2 is defined.
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