Jason Hellenthal <jhellent...@dataix.net> top-posted:

> On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:32:16AM -0400, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>> Darin <derw...@naebunny.net> writes:
>> > It's apparently failing on the absence of FCGI or CGI::Fast.  Any idea
>> > why this is happening all of a sudden?
>> I don't use (or know anything about) smokeping, 
>> but I did notice the new entry in UPDATING
>> saying that such configurations were preferred, 
>> and pointing to the documentation.

> This has nothing to do with the webserver configuration.
> This is a build failure due to a missing depend.

Well, you definitely need one of those missing CGI ports for the default
configurations, so you can work around this by installing them. It looks
like you *should* be able to configure it other ways, so I don't think
putting them in the build requirements is a real fix.
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