On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 08:09:08PM +0200, Palle Girgensohn thus spake:
Chris Rees skrev:
On 8 June 2012 08:15, Alfred Bartsch <bart...@dssgmbh.de> wrote:
Hash: SHA1


Adding this missing entry to the portstree should solve this issue.
To avoid such problems in the future, it would IMHO be preferable to
have only one port (/usr/ports/databases/p5-DBD-mysql), which is able
to handle all mysql versions, similar to p5-DBD-Pg.

Actually, I'm looking at moving p5-DBD-Pg to versioned ports, since it
is less unpredictable to install a versioned port, the autodetection
logic is messy and packages are not built for any but the default


That is partly true, but it is also strange to have a versioned port
where there is no difference other than the dependency?

With this, we could technically use the new options framework with SINGLE
methodology, and append a suffix of the version, and claim stake on the
version required for the version selected.

Is there any advantage to having more then one port for this, or can
consolidating into one port not be done based on other factors?


Jason Helfman
FreeBSD Committer | http://people.freebsd.org/~jgh | The Power To Serve
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