Le 07.06.2012 15:52, Frank Broniewski a écrit :
Yes, that worked.

I tested it with py-gdal. First I had some problems because there were
some other programs depending gdal-grass (QGIS, Grass GIS) which linked
to the older gdal libs, but after deleting gdal-grass, I could import
the module into python and run successfully some tests against some
scripts I had written.

Thank you for the works. I will make tests today with all my scritps/plugins.

Just a few remarks for now :

- graphics/gdal
Maybe add this options :
ARMADILLO "Faster TPS transform computation" CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-armadillo=yes

        FREEXL  "FreeXL support"
LIB_DEPENDS+=   freexl:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/freexl
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --with-freexl=${LOCALBASE}

        MDB             "Include MDB driver (need Java)
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-mdb --with-java= ; Maybe with java bindings ?

For PDF (Poppler OR podofo)
        POPPLER "Poppler support (for PDF)"
LIB_DEPENDS+=   poppler:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/poppler

        PODOFO  "PoDoFo support (for PDF)"
LIB_DEPENDS+=   podofo:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/podofo
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-podofo=${LOCALBASE} --with-podofo-lib=${LOCALBASE}/lib

        SPATIALITE      "Spatialite support"
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --with-spatialite=${LOCALBASE}

I'm working for the other options, but need add some ports (libgdata ; ogdi ; ESRI GDB Api ; RASDAMAN)

Is it possible to add bindings options directly into graphics/gdal ?

For other bindings :
Maybe add java bindings (for MDB protocol, very useful)

For QGIS port (and maybe other like Grass)
Will need adding py-gdal when python is checked (used by plugins GdalTools ; fTools ; openlayers ; GoogleLayers ... and many others)

Your works is very helpful thank you !

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