Michael Scheidell <scheid...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Two unmaintained ports, nothing depends on them, and upstream has
> not updated source since 2004, ftp server unresponsive.
> <http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/misc/gpt31/Makefile>
> (gpt32: misc/gpt also unmaintained since 2005.
> <http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/misc/gpt/Makefile>
> ftp server mentioned doesn't respond (ftp.freebsd.org has distfile),
> upstream unmaintained since 2004, and upstream points to a different 
> distfile (with different checksum and same version number), mentions
> an alpha version 4.0.

These are originally from NCSA, but the website mentioned in
the pkg-descr (http://www.gridpackagingtools.org/) now seems to
be promoting some kind of diet/nutritional approach.  The only
connection to "middleware" that immediately comes to mind is that
such sites tend to be frequented by those concerned about excessive
weight around their middle :)

Dunno what (if anything) they are currently good for, but it seems
that, at a minimum, the PORTVERSION and/or MASTER_SITES -- and the
pkg-descr -- need to be updated.
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