El día Sunday, June 17, 2012 a las 11:03:50AM +0400, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov 

> While I didn't know anything about how to solve this particular 
> breakage, I can just suggest you to look at textproc/goldendict instead. 
> It's an fully stardict dictionaries compatible. Plus it can check 
> urbandictionary, wikipedia and other (custom) online resources for a 
> word definition. I migrated to it when it only had landed to the ports 
> tree (thanks bsam@!) because stardict is dead upstream for a long time. 
> Hope this helps.

Hi Ruslan,

Thanks for the pointer. I've checked and ported this already some months
ago, but I can't manage some things to work, maybe because I'm just to
much thinking in how it does stardict and the things I'm used to use are
just not there, for example: if I have a word after scan in the popup
window, how do I get this into the main window?

> PS. I know about stardict fork, but never checked it.

What is this? Is it in our ports tree?

Matthias Apitz
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