On 17/06/2012 21:11, Mel Flynn wrote:
>>> >> I really don't see what the problem is with setting uniquename to:
>>> >> or:
>>> >> databases/mysql55+server
>>> >> databases/mysql55+client
>>> >> etc.

>> > And so you want to forbid + as a character for PORTNAME? So you would need 
>> > to
>> > fix all the ports having a + in the name.

> No. Ports all have a version starting with a minus sign, yet we have
> ports with a minus sign in it. This is the same principle. The plus or
> whatever char you pick, should be the first one from the right side
> after the version part. What's in between the plus and the start of
> version is subpackage/childport name.

Deciding what character or characters to use to distinguish the sub-port
part of the package name from the rest is a particularly bikeshedable
point.  Virtually any of the punctuation on the keyboard could be used,
and it really won't make much difference in the end what gets chosen.
Personally I feel it should be the sole choice of the people that do the
work to implement sub-ports.

On the point of how UNIQUENAME should be defined, your arguments have
some merit, but I'm not convinced.  On balance, after considering such
points I preferred what I came up with (but then I would say that,
wouldn't I?)



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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