On 2012-Jun-26 17:40:08 +0100, Chris Rees <cr...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>Also, with pkgng the emphasis is more on binary upgrades.  We really
>shouldn't still be compiling from source for everything in this day
>and age-- we're one of only two major projects that still do this as
>the main upgrade solution.

One of the big benefits of the FreeBSD ports system is that I can
customise ports to suit my needs.  I don't have choice forced upon me
by a ports maintainer - who may have totally different requirements.
I agree the current _package_ system has some rough edges (lack of
synchronisation/serialisation to cope with parallel installs and
poor overall performance) but I hope the ports build system will not
be thrown out as part of the pkgng migration.

Peter Jeremy

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