On 07/23/2012 10:04, Ashish SHUKLA wrote:
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

As you already know, it works! Thanks!

Specifically, I added 24.1 to bsd.emacs.mk, made it the default, and removed all ports depending on emacs-23.4.

I installed print/auctex and java/jde (from the attic) depending on devel/cedet and devel/elib, created packages, installed them on a different machine, and ran Emacs. Everything ports related seems to work.

I do not know, if you (asking for any feedback) really want anecdotal feedback about functionality, but here it is anyhow:

Arabic, which is finally displayed from right-to-left, works in windowed mode, but for me, it does not work correctly with "-nw": While it is displayed correctly in a LANG=en_US.UTF-8 Konsole (KDE terminal), the order of the letters is changed just by moving the cursor through Arabic text. I do not think this is a problem with the port, but either with my setup or with emacs-24.1 in general.

auctex works including the Emacs server for forward and inverse search with a PDF viewer. Unfortunately as a regression to auctex on emacs-23.4, all buttons have labels and are really wide -- including the "Separator". Hence, important buttons only show up in wide Emacs windows. Anyhow, this is probably not a problem with the port, but a problem with auctex, which has not made a release for over two years.

For my use, I would be happy, if emacs-24.1 was the default in ports, soon.

Thanks again,
Jan Henrik
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