On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 06:31:26PM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> I can't update wireshark to the latest version in ports due to the
> portaudit warning.
> Meanwhile, I just tried 1.8.2 and it seems like a simple version
> upgrade. The result builds and runs just fine, plist looks good, etc.

I can vouche for this as well. Been running this since it was announced.

Only one thing to consider. When opening a large packet dump with
certain options like GeoIP & SNMP MIB turned on from a previous version
you may find that wireshark crashes depening upon the captured data.

Workaround is to move your .wireshark directory over and migrate any
files back that are neccesary to your SOP which is fairly trivial.

After that it will continue to operate as expected without flaw.

> Any chance of getting this in soon'ish? Or do I have your permission to
> do the version upgrade?


 - (2^(N-1)) JJH48-ARIN

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  • wireshark Doug Barton
    • Re: wireshark Jason Hellenthal

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