On 21/10/2012 10:57, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> Actually, I find pkg in sbin directory as opposed to bin:
> /usr/sbin/pkg and /usr/local/sbin/pkg .

You're quire right.  pkg lives in .../sbin.  Sorry about that.

> I followed your steps 1 to 4, found 638 packages, found the correct
> permissions, and pkg info seemed to work correctly.
> Now I wonder if the problem is fixed.

Well, the tests show that the problem is not a completely hosed package
database, which is good.

So, the problem is confined to the p5-XML-SAX and p5-XML-SAX-Base ports.
 You're trying to follow the instructions in the 20120512
entry in UPDATING?  And the initial 'pkg delete' of p5-XML-SAX is
showing the errors?

You can check eg. what XML related packages are installed by:

   pkg info -x XML

If it doesn't show p5-XML-SAX then I'd say you're good to go, and can
just reinstall p5-XML-SAX and p5-XML-SAX-Base and everything should be fine.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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