On 29 October 2012 03:53, Lucas Saliés Brum <sistemat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Em 28/10/2012 12:46, Rainer Hurling escreveu:
>> textproc/py-feedparser does not install any library, so you need to test
>> the presence of the python script, installed by this port:
>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/feedparser.py
>> To be path and version independent you should use something like
>> ${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/feedparser.py:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/py-feedparser
>> Hope this helps,
>> Rainer
> Thanks for your response Rainer!!
> http://paste.sistematico.org/16
> Any hint?

py27-feedparser-5.1.2 has a different PREFIX: /var/tmp/cgmail, skipping

Somehow, in your working and temporary building, you have installed
this program to a different prefix. That means that it's files will be
under /var/tmp/cgmail, and your install cannot find them.
Personally, I haven't messed around with prefixes, but make
"PREFIX=/var/tmp/cgmail uninstall"in textproc/py-feedparser should get
rid of that misinstalled version, so you can reinstall it normally and

This also explains your original error.
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