Answering this in-line as a user of pkgng and binary packages:

On 11/9/2012 4:53 AM, Beeblebrox wrote:
Pkgng, as a concept may be great, but it's not really working - at least for

1. pkg2ng conversion does not do a complete job and I have about half of my
ports in purgatory or a quasi-installed state. The program runs and is
installed but pkgdb does not have a record for it. So my ports updates do a
half-ass job.
If it didn't work right, the problem should have been solved at that time or the conversion undone (pkg2ng made a backup of /var/db/pkg) so you don't move forward with a partial db. The package database it was trying to convert may have had its own problems, resulting in the failure, but if you don't have the error messages and have continued since then, it may be too late. It is hard to say what future issues will arise from a compromised package db, but that is what you now have. It may be best to scrap it and "pkg install" everything you need over top of your current install so the db is correct. (After appropriate backups)

2. I am used to portmaster and I accept that portupgrade is "more ready" to
be used with pkgng than portmaster. However, portmaster has the
"--check-depends" option which I would normally use to correct problem #1,
alas I see no similar function in portupgrade or pkg. The "portupgrade -Ffu"
and "pkg check" commands don't do the trick either.
I have not tried portmaster with pkgdb yet but I understand recent versions of it support
pkgng.  Have you looked into that?
3. I have some ports that I never want to install (like accessibility/atk or
net/avahi). The new pkgtools.conf has a nice feature of IGNORE_CATEGORIES
and HOLD_PKGS which I hope will allow me to "blacklist" those ports but I
have my doubts as the knob is PKGS and not PORTS - so we'll see. Separately
though, while trying to get my system pkgng complient and doing updates,
there have been some ports which were pulled in that I whish to remove. As
in #2, portmaster --check-depends did a nice job of this and allowed the
dependency to be removed from the portsdb structure - so same problem here
as #2.
I also had some similar concerns. I don't think you have much of a choice at the current stage, the packages on pkgbeta are being compiled a single way just like they were with the previous package format. This is expected to improve in the future, but if it really concerns you, it is best to use something like poudriere to make a custom set of packages (its pretty easy, really!) Once I tried it for my site, I am thrilled. Especially because my
packages are complete, prompt, and customized.
4. I know how to do +IGNOREME in the portsdb and that is a very roundabout
way of solving an sqlite entry.
5. pkg add does not respect existing port version information on the system.
If you try to install a package and its dependencies, pkg tries to pull in
its own preferred version. This happened for perl5 - I have 5.16 already on
the system but pkg kept trying to install 5.14. The only solution was to use
the old "pkg-add -i" to install one-by-one and without the dependencies.
Interesting how pkgng does not have the -i (no-deps) option??
Same answer as #3 really. I also preferred 5.16 but don't really care as long as it works, so once I understood the deps in pkgbeta wanted 5.14 I just accepted that until I built
my own packages with all 5.16.
6. portupgrade's -i (interactive) also completely ignores you when adding a
new port. It just goes and does its thing then happily informs you of the
its fait accompli.
I haven't used portupgrade in a few years, and I want to avoid going back to dealing with
it's database issues

Ubuntu's Synaptic gives more control than this...

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