> On 3 February 2013 04:14, Yuri <y...@rawbw.com> wrote:
> > I redirect the log into the file: portupgrade -a 2>&1 | tee portupgrade.log
> > However, log still has escape sequences as if it was printed to the
> > terminal:
> > ^[[0m^[[34m^[[1mGenerating moc_mainwindow.cpp^M
> > ^[[0m^[[34m^[[1mGenerating subscriptionlistdelegate.moc^M
> > ^[[0m^[[34m^[[1mGenerating knconfigwidgets.moc^M
> > ^[[0m^[[34m^[[1mGenerating previewdialog.moc^M
> > ^[[34m^[[1mGenerating entriescountdialog.moc^M

> > I believe this started not long ago.
> > What is wrong?

> I guess this is a cmake/clang port?  Cmake, clang and several other
> tools give colorised output.  This is achieved with escape sequences.

> Chris

A config dialog could also cause something like this but would normally be
more severe.

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