On 08/02/2013 14:41, Albert Shih wrote:
> ===>   Registering installation for libreoffice-3.6.5_1
> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@dirrmtry share/mimelnk/application' 
> (package tools out of date?)
> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@dirrmtry share/mimelnk' (package 
> tools out of date?)
> pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@dirrmtry share/mime/packages' 
> (package tools out of date?)
> ...
> Any idea ? 

I thought I somehow had my tinderbox jails polluted by creating legacy
and pkgng builds from the same jails.

I just removed all my jails to start from scratch, because of that.
And all the packages, because I suspected they were created with
a mixed set of pkg-tools. Ouch.

This mess is going to compile for a couple of days. :D

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