On 02/19/13 13:48, Chris Rees wrote:
On 19 February 2013 18:56, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr <jnagyjr1...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 02/19/13 12:52, er...@freebsd.org wrote:

** The following ports have a version number that sorts before a previous
one **

   For many package tools to work correctly, it is of utmost importance
   version numbers of a port form a monotonic increasing sequence over
   Refer to the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook, 'Package Naming Conventions' for
   more information. Tools that won't work include pkg_version, portupgrade
   and portaudit. A common error is an accidental deletion of PORTEPOCH.

   Please fix any errors as soon as possible.

   The ports tree was updated at Tue Feb 19 2013 18:36:41 UTC.

- *sysutils/fusefs-httpfs* <po...@freebsd.org>: fusefs-httpfs- <

I have a similar issue with ruby:

ruby-,1                   >   succeeds port (port has 1.9,1)

CC'd to ruby@

I'm guessing you're using portversion?  Is the pkgdb up to date?

[crees@pegasus]~% make -f /usr/ports/lang/ruby19/Makefile -VPORTVERSION


No, pkg version in a crontab entry from which I also update ports nightly:

00 01 * * * root /usr/local/bin/svn up /usr/ports; /usr/sbin/pkg version -vL= > /root/updated-pkg-list

(before anyone asks, despite having PATH defined, I still need to put full path on commands, dunno why)
Yours in Christ,

Joseph A Nagy Jr
"Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction
is stupid." -- Proverbs 12:1
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