On 3/20/2013 7:53 AM, David Southwell wrote:

bigbluebutton Makefile reads:

SOFFICEBIN?= ${PREFIX}/openoffice.org-3.2.1/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.bin

with an uptodate portree we have the correct path is:


Looks as though
needs updating.

Currently error message on
# make clean
bigbluebutton-0.71_4: "/usr/ports/editors/openoffice.org-3" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete

Thanks in advance for advice


I also received the response below from the list:
which suggest we should be upgrading to BBB 0.80

Is that likely in the near future?

At moment, the developers of BigBlueButton are only supporting Ubuntu
Linux (currently 10.04, we hope to switch to a newer version soonish).
Any packaging for other operating systems or distributions is currently

It also looks like you're looking at BigBlueButton 0.71; we strongly
recommend that you start with 0.80 in order to get a good number of bug
fixes and performance improvements.

If you would like to attempt to create or update BigBlueButton packaging
for freebsd, please go ahead, but unfortunately we can't provide support
for it at the moment.

Calvin Walton <calvin...@kepstin.ca <javascript:>>

David Southwell ARPS AFIAP
Photographic Arts
Trained & experienced competition judge, mentor, trainer, lecturer,
Advanced digital techniques, international project photography

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