On 5/27/2013 16:34, RW wrote:

It would hurt people with a slow connections who would end-up having to
download most of the patches twice. I've a lot more sympathy with people
in that situation than with someone who doesn't cache and then
complains it's slow.

Trust me.
If you get the wrong mirror, it is horrifically slow. Like 4 patches per minute slow. You have no sympathy for somebody that has to download all 900+ patches from the beginning?

The "trick", of course, is to override MASTER_SITES in the environment, e.g. "make MASTER_SITES= fetch" and then force fetching from FreeBSD. Then it gets all the patches pretty quickly. But most users wouldn't figure that out (and I'm sure you don't want it broadcast either).

The "slow" complaint is not trivial, it's very, very real. Saying you haven't seen it doesn't make it less real, you probably just didn't sit there and watch it from patch#1.

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