When using svn 1.8 I have come across a situation where when it is used 
pointing to a symlink that refers to a working directory that a update will 
either segfault or exit prematurely and leave a lock held on the working 
directory that the symlink points to.

This leaves you with one choice but to run cleanup on the referenced actual 
working directory which was AFAIK never the case for any version below 1.8.

Not sure if this is a problem with svn or FreeBSD itself but thought I would 
report the characteristics in case it's noticed elsewhere.

Using UFS
FreeBSD 8-STABLE i386 as of this date.

In the directory...
cd /exports/usr
ln -s src8 src
svn up /exports/usr/src

 Jason Hellenthal
 Inbox: jhellent...@dataix.net
 Voice: +1 (616) 953-0176

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