I'm migrating to pkgng, so maybe there is now more rigorous checking
for conflicts between files installed by different ports which didn't
occur previously. pkg2ng complained about the conflict and refused to
register xdg-utils because of conflicts with thinkingrock.

I currently have deskutils/thinkingrock and devel/xdg-utils installed.
These ports both install /usr/local/bin/xdg-{email,open}, and they
seem to be identical versions of the files.

As many ports depend on devel/xdg-utils, it seems to me that the
correct approach would be to patch the thinkingrock port to:
    1. not install its own xdg-{email,open}; and
    2. add a dependency on devel/xdg-utils

Another possibility might be to have thinkingrock install
its xdg-{email,open} as tr-xdg-{email,open} but I have not
looked at the port enough to know if it is possible to change
TR to call the new names.

I'll try to work up a patch for the first approach and submit
a PR, pending any followups to this message.
G. Paul Ziemba
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