On 09/25/13 00:38, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> On 09/25/13 08:28, Jason Helfman wrote:
>> java/javavmwrapper
>> cc: java
> Sorry for being so dumb, but I don't understand this...
> I though I was using javavmwrapper... what do you mean?

I believe you are correct in your original statement,
and that there is something wrong with the java startup script.

You do not need to set JAVA_HOME.
The startup script has code to locate all installed versions,
set JAVA_HOME if not already set,
prioritize them, and execute the latest one;
but it doesn't seem to be working properly.

There is no javavmwrapper, at least in my installation(s).
The java startup script (/usr/local/bin/java) indicates it is itself

If JAVA_HOME is not set, the startup script finds a java by using make,
and that finds openjdk6 when openjdk6 and openjdk7 are both installed.
In this case, the script is not using the installed prioritization list
in /usr/local/etc/javavms.  It seems to me it should be checking this
before resorting to what make finds.

However, you can avoid this behavior and get the right thing by setting

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