On 23/11/13 13:20, geoffroy desvernay wrote:
> On 12/07/2013 14:57, Florent Peterschmitt wrote:
>> Le 10/07/2013 23:54, olli hauer a écrit :
>>>> Here it would be ap22-mod_php5 and ap24-mod_php5.
>>> Thats what I thought with your first mail and I suspect this is a good idea.
>> Yep, it was what I meant. So do you think I should contact the maintainer ?
> I second this, as php-fpm is more and more used, with apache, nginx,
> lighttpd... There are also cases where only php-cli is needed (at least
> we use that too)
> I like the way debian handle this: php-cli/php-fpm/php-cgi/php-module
> are packaged independently (and in freebsd we could have ap22-mod-php
> and ap24-mod-php).
> The difficulty may be that it would make some more ports to maintain for
> Alex, who may need some help (?)
> My 2 cts...
> ps: re-using this thread as I didn't find (missed?) any more recent
> discussion about this...

Yeah, Debian's package split is nice (and not only for PHP but
everything else). But I'm not sure if we want to make x packages we have
to make x ports. I mean, it is very useful when distributing packages
and I'm not sure the port system cannot make x packages from 1 only port.

Florent Peterschmitt           | Please:
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