On 06/02/2014 12:45, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> Since many years I have always compiled "my" (i.e. the ports I need)
> from CVS or now SVN ports tree on some fast baquery maschine. After
> compiling I just did something like:
> # mkdir PKG
> # cd PKG 
> # pkg_create -Rnb `cd /var/db/pkg ; ls -C1`
> and moved the resulting ~1500 packages to my laptops or smaller
> netbooks. Until today I'm still using the old pkg_info/_add/_create
> tools and skipped pkgng until today.

Much the same except the pkgng command line is:

   pkg create -a

There are fancier approaches to doing this sort of thing involving
creating your own package repository (which is a lot easier than it
sounds -- basically 'pkg repo /directory/where/your/pkgs/are'
and then you can tell pkg to install from there by using a file:// URL
for the packagesite.  However, this is all optional and you can simply
install what you want using 'pkg add'.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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