On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:55 PM, Ross Penner <ro...@f-m.fm> wrote:
> When I try to build prosody (on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE-p3), I get the
> following error once it gets to the installation phase. The error
> references already having a prosody user and group. They were created
> the first time I tried to install and this message is from my second
> attempt.
> ===>  Installing for prosody-0.9.3
> /bin/sh /usr/ports/net-im/prosody/work/pkg-install prosody-0.9.3
> prosody:*:242:
> You already have a group "prosody", so I will use it.
> pw: user 'prosody' already exists
> Adding user "prosody" failed...
> *** [pre-install] Error code 1
> Thanks for any help or insight you can provide.

The pkg-install script should be detecting the user, what does the
following command show?

/usr/sbin/pw user show prosody ; echo $?

On my system with no prosody user it returns with:

pw: no such user `prosody`

It should return with a value of zero, when the port is installed:

# /usr/sbin/pw user show prosody ; echo $?
prosody:*:242:1::0:0:Prosody XMMP Server:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin

I have tried installing/deinstalling/re-installing the port, and don't
get the prosody user already exists error.


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