On 12/05/2014 18:36, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> I'm updating devel/robodoc to staging.
> As suggested on the wiki page,
> env DEVELOPER=yes make stage && make check-plist && make package
> runs fine, no issues.
> However, portlint -A reports:
> # portlint -A
> WARN: /usr/ports/devel/robodoc/pkg-plist: Both ``%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm 
> %%DOCSDIR%%'' and ``%%PORTDOCS%%@unexec %D/%%DOCSDIR%% 2>/dev/null || true'' 
> are missing.  At least one should be used.
> I have in pkg-plist:
> bin/robodoc
> bin/robohdrs
> man/man1/robodoc.1.gz
> man/man1/robohdrs.1.gz
> %%DOCSDIR%%/ChangeLog
> %%DOCSDIR%%/manual.css
> %%DOCSDIR%%/manual.html
> %%DOCSDIR%%/robodoc_example.rc
> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box.pm
> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box/RectangularBox.pm
> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box/SquareBox.pm
> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Cargo.txt
> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Loader.txt
> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/SmartLoader.pm
> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/TruckPacker.pl
> %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/robodoc.rc
> @dirrmtry %%DOCSDIR%%
> @dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source/Box
> @dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample/Source
> @dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/PerlExample
> @dirrmtry %%EXAMPLESDIR%%
> What's the problem?
> As recommended on the wiki page I made
> the docs and examples non-optional, because
> they are very small.

portlint results are guidelines: if there's a good reason to do things
in a way that portlint complains about, then go right ahead.  However,
you may have to justify your choices and persuade a committer to commit
as is.

Given you're installing some docs and examples, I'd add support for
making them optional, even if they are pretty neglible in size.  It's
probably better for your port to behave in-line with other ports even if
not doing that is a reasonable choice.

Enabling DOCS and EXAMPLES in your port is pretty simple.  You need to
add %%PORTDOCS%% and %%PORTEXAMPLES%% to the appropriate lines in
pkg-plist and add


to the Makefile if you want them to show up in an options dialogue.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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